hi i'm teresa

I transform your ideas into expertly designed web experiences

I can help you with...

Website Design

A well-designed website immediately conveys a sense of professionalism and credibility - establishing trust and building a positive reputation with your audience. In contrast, a poorly designed website can make a negative impression and turn visitors away, potentially leading to lost business.

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Ui/Ux Design

Great design is all about balancing aesthetics and function. I will build you a website that inspires your customers to jump into action by perfectly marrying user interface (UI), or aesthetics, and user experience (UX), or function. Your site will be driven by user-centered heuristics that encourage productivity, increase revenue and also engage, delight, and communicate clearly on all devices.

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Visual Design

Visual design covers everything from your logo, one-pagers, GTM assets, and all aesthetic components. We'll work collaboratively to create the most authentic, compelling, and timeless image of your brand.

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Website Development

Your website is an invaluable marketing tool, especially when it's thoughtfully and intentionally designed for user experience. We'll maximize impact by finding the balance between function and design and building a seamless, intuitive, and exciting website.

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Using the power of wireframing and prototyping will allow us to study the effectiveness of your website and make fast, iterative decisions that will maximize your investment.

This means that you'll be able to see exactly how your site will look, and interact with it as if it were real. This then allows us to revise and refine your site before I develop it, saving you time and money.

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Brand Strategy

Creating a strong brand involves more than just designing a logo and choosing a color scheme - it's about crafting an experience that resonates with your audience. Let's work together to determine your brands' positioning, strategy, and purpose, so that both current and prospective customers will be both happy and excited to keep doing business with you!

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Brand Identity

Design is a powerful tool that can either help your company or hurt it. A consistent visual experience that connects with your target audience, reflects your company's values, and builds trust can set you apart. Let's create an authentic, intentional design that will grow with your company.

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Brand Guidelines

Consistency drives the power and integrity of a brand. We'll make your brand unbreakable by creating logo specifications and guidelines for typography, color, iconography, image style and usage, and more. You can hand this guide out to partnering brands, press, and other PR publications. These guidelines will ensure that anyone can apply your brand assets correctly and consistently.

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